Hello! My name is Chris.
Welcome to my homepage. I won't give away too much personal info about me but I live in the northwest. My hobbies include: walking, camping, art and music.
I am an aspiring cartoonist and caricature artist.
I also love to do digital paintings. Even though I never painted a landscape with real paints and a canvas, I learned a lot just by watching the late Bob Ross. His Joy Of Painting episodes can be found on YouTube. Most of my artwork is digital. I use a Samsung Tab A 9" 7' tablet and I primarily use the Autodesk Sketchbook Pro app. I have experimented with other paint apps, but I think I will stick with Sketchbook.
With music, I play synth keyboards and compose songs via MIDI. Years, ago I used Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 and Cakewalk Music Creator 3. Now, I use Mixcraft Pro Studio 6 for my MIDI compositions.